
Showing posts from 2019


Book: Kabir ...and his stories Author: Anuj Number of pages: 168 Type: Paperback Language: English Star rating: 4.0 We always come across with so many romantic fictions. But all those stories always ends with marriage. Not many tried to say what happened after that. “Kabir… and his stories” by Anuj, is an independent sequel to his first book “A girl in love with a beggar”. The book is a collection of different stories about the different situations faced by the protagonist, Kabir. You can read this book, even if you haven’t read the prequel. Life is like a complicated thriller film, where we can’t predict the upcoming twists and turns. Each situations we go through, each person we meet, creates different stories. All these stories will be unique because the different impact it makes in our life. The impacts could be positive and negative, and it’s these stories that define our life. As Anuj says in the book, “A writer is like a girl on her menstruation cycle. H


 We all imagined a bachelor party for us at least once in our life. Some of us end up having that while for some, it remains as a thought only. What if you want to have a bachelor party with your best friends? Problem is that the perfect time for that bachelor party has already gone.. So what!! What if you? What if your friends are married? You can still have that bachelor party. The only difference is that it will be a ‘‘ Belated Bachelor Party !!‘‘ In everyone life there is always a single person or a group of people, who became an important part of our life from nowhere! These are a special relationship we choose. Without them, you feel incomplete! We call them friends. But is that enough? No.. Because all friends are not same. There are different  of friends. Some friends wouldn have that much hold on your life. Their choices or opinions wouldn‘t affect you personally. Then there is another part. A part which you can‘t avoid. They hold your entire life. There will be a


          Love is not always happy. It could break you in the same strength as it could make you content. But maybe you find the one destined for you, it could make you content. Falling in love is not everyone ‘s cup of tea. Not everyone are blessed to have it ‘ s presence in their life. Some succeeds and finds it, where some doesn ‘t.             Like everybody, I too tried to find the love I am destined for. But only turned out to become a broken marriage. And I failed miserably! But broken marriage never affected me. Instead, it resulted in having an amazing friend! I always wondered why I am ending up with making all the men in my life friend-zoned! But now I have the answer.. My destined one was yet to come!             Isn ‘t it an amazing feeling! There is always someone for everyone. The one destined for you is somewhere out there, connected to you by some unknown and invisible channel. You don ‘t know who he is, when you will meet, where you will meet.. But the th

Wake up, Life is calling

Life is not a pre-planned story. Like in film or drama, you can’t decide or plan the next scene. Even if you planned everything, there is no guarantee you will make it work. Every character in our life is not pre-decided. They come uninvited and leave unexpectedly. They make us feel safe but sometimes strange. Either they care about you or not. And it is unpredictable that who will remain by your side. They may be there when you need them or maybe not. The too much expectation of your s can leave you shattered. Sometimes the actions we do are the things which you didn’t intend to do, but end up doing so. The impact can be good or bad. But only know if we do it. Some of these can change our lives. The impact they make is unimaginable. If it results in tragedy, even if it is in the past, the incident will haunt you like a cursed soul. It could damage your whole life, but only if you let it do so. You are the one who has the ownership of your life. You can decide what should happen

The Elixir To Escape

Love!! You may fall in that shoes like it is where you destined to be.. You may see the shining of those phase like it is the heaven.. You may make it yours like it is what you want... Yeah.. Falling in love is that much easy.. And that is what happened with me too. I don't know how I came here. I don't know if I was even destined to be here. All I know is that a concussion brought me here.. Here in this palace. I haven't even been into royality. Now, here in between all these royals, I don't even know what I am supposed to do! I don't know who here are my family, my friends.. My own people.. In all these trauma only he was there, to help me.. To know what this place, how I could survive, and how I could make it my own... It wasn't supposed to lead to anything that wasn't right. Yet it lead! It lead us to the thing which was forbidden... Love! I don't know when I fell in love with him, with the Royal Prince! A romantic story were created, which