We all imagined a bachelor party for us at least once in our life. Some of us end up having that while for some, it remains as a thought only. What if you want to have a bachelor party with your best friends? Problem is that the perfect time for that bachelor party has already gone.. So what!! What if you? What if your friends are married? You can still have that bachelor party. The only difference is that it will be a ‘‘Belated Bachelor Party!!‘‘

In everyone life there is always a single person or a group of people, who became an important part of our life from nowhere! These are a special relationship we choose. Without them, you feel incomplete! We call them friends. But is that enough? No.. Because all friends are not same. There are different  of friends. Some friends wouldn have that much hold on your life. Their choices or opinions wouldn‘t affect you personally. Then there is another part. A part which you can‘t avoid. They hold your entire life. There will be a bunch of emotions within you for them. Sometimes you love them while sometimes you hate them. Even sometimes you want to be their murderer! Still, they are annoying but unavoidable! Without them, life will remain as a movie without a story!

Friendship is the only relationship in which you have all the power from the start itself. You can choose the people with whom you want to have this relationship. In Ravinder Singh words, ‘‘The most democratic relationship!‘‘ Unfortunately, like other relationships, this one will also have difficulties. There could be fights, ego clashes, conflict of opinions, insults.. But at the end, these obstacles will remain as some silly losers. In fact, they won‘t succeed to dominate in along term! Within a blink of an eye, everything will fall back to normal!

You will face difficulties with them. They never will leave you alone. Whatever happens, you will face it together! Whatever crazy things you do, you never feel embraced in front of them. Together you will share everything. You celebrate happiness together.. You mourn in the sorrow together.. You will say things you can‘t share with anyone else. Always engage in discussions, no matter how much important the topic is.. Together you will grow!!

‘‘The Belated Bachelor Party‘‘, by Ravinder Singh, was as the tagline says, ‘‘one hell of a reunion!‘‘ It is one of the best feel-good, makes-you-happy story. Reading the book felt like being a part of their journey. Like, with them we are celebrating their belated bachelor party!! Also, celebrating their friendship!

In the book, Ravinder has given every minute, micro details. The emotions, thoughts, situations, expressions.. Everything has been portrayed very cleanly. The fun, the fights, the tragedies.. we could feel everything! He even put the exact words they have said in the book. The discussions were very much crazy, but held some important points. Without thinking twice I can say that it was a full paisa wasool entertainment!! Being a fan of his former works, I can say this one was very much different from the others. But it only added more fuel to my admiration towards his work. After reading the book, everyone will wish to have one hell of a reunion like this!


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