Ivide (2015)

“In the end,
Only three things matter..
How much you loved..
How gently you lived..
And how gracefully you let go of things not meant for you..”

Life is so unpredictable. Doesn’t matter how much happy we are, all the happiness can be gone with a blink of an eye. And sometimes to regain the happiness, even a lifetime won’t be enough..

Human are installed with a lot of features. Emotions at its peak. For Varun, a single wrong decision, made by the emotional outburst, coated his lifetime. His love, his life, everything was on the edge of that deal. But like everyone, being an emotional fool coated him too.

When he pushed away his closed ones, the love of his life, his daughter, even he wasn’t aware of the cost. It took him a huge deal to have that realisation. As always, when he finally realised it was too late. Too late to bring that old happiness together.. Too late to bring that happily ever after together.. And too late to get that love again..


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