
Showing posts from July, 2019


 We all imagined a bachelor party for us at least once in our life. Some of us end up having that while for some, it remains as a thought only. What if you want to have a bachelor party with your best friends? Problem is that the perfect time for that bachelor party has already gone.. So what!! What if you? What if your friends are married? You can still have that bachelor party. The only difference is that it will be a ‘‘ Belated Bachelor Party !!‘‘ In everyone life there is always a single person or a group of people, who became an important part of our life from nowhere! These are a special relationship we choose. Without them, you feel incomplete! We call them friends. But is that enough? No.. Because all friends are not same. There are different  of friends. Some friends wouldn have that much hold on your life. Their choices or opinions wouldn‘t affect you personally. Then there is another part. A part which you can‘t avoid. They hold your entire life. There will be a


          Love is not always happy. It could break you in the same strength as it could make you content. But maybe you find the one destined for you, it could make you content. Falling in love is not everyone ‘s cup of tea. Not everyone are blessed to have it ‘ s presence in their life. Some succeeds and finds it, where some doesn ‘t.             Like everybody, I too tried to find the love I am destined for. But only turned out to become a broken marriage. And I failed miserably! But broken marriage never affected me. Instead, it resulted in having an amazing friend! I always wondered why I am ending up with making all the men in my life friend-zoned! But now I have the answer.. My destined one was yet to come!             Isn ‘t it an amazing feeling! There is always someone for everyone. The one destined for you is somewhere out there, connected to you by some unknown and invisible channel. You don ‘t know who he is, when you will meet, where you will meet.. But the th